"I saw this stud and thought it would be a shame not to nominate him for the accolade of Sexy Exec. This fine specimen is Gerald Cumming but I am sure you could probably gather that from the picture. He has 30 years experience man and boy and possible women if the crap around his eye is anything to go by. Hope to see him up on the site soon - a man of this calibre needs to be shared with the world!" - Aaron.
Monday, 12 April 2010
BRITISH EXECUTIVE: Gerald Cumming, Presumably The Boss Of, Cumming & Riley Solicitors
Hasn't encountered a digital camera before, and is really excited about getting to see himself on the little screen.

"I saw this stud and thought it would be a shame not to nominate him for the accolade of Sexy Exec. This fine specimen is Gerald Cumming but I am sure you could probably gather that from the picture. He has 30 years experience man and boy and possible women if the crap around his eye is anything to go by. Hope to see him up on the site soon - a man of this calibre needs to be shared with the world!" - Aaron.
"I saw this stud and thought it would be a shame not to nominate him for the accolade of Sexy Exec. This fine specimen is Gerald Cumming but I am sure you could probably gather that from the picture. He has 30 years experience man and boy and possible women if the crap around his eye is anything to go by. Hope to see him up on the site soon - a man of this calibre needs to be shared with the world!" - Aaron.
File under:
Words fail me...
Wow, love the sexy execs...we'll be back to visit soon.
There's biro leakage accidents and then there's biro leakage accidents.
Andy, who's we? Some kind of Gollum-esque split personality?
Probably some angry men who are planning to sue me. You wouldn't believe the number of whining execs I've had on the email phone recently.
Even my all-time favourite has asked to be removed today, and he was every bit the pushy cunt the comments left by people who knew him made him out to be :(
Blimey, and we all thought the (fat & ugly) execs on here would remain oblivious. Your reputation precedes you Zorg. You're not going to give in to their demands are you?
Not sure yet, will see how far Executive D takes it. It's you fuckers leaving comments about them being rapists and meth addicts that causes most of the problems.
That was not my methamphetamine, I was merely holding it for a more junior member of staff.
Please remove this page from my computer television.
Any rumours that Gerald hopes that Down's syndrome children will mistake his tie for a bee and start rubbing his chest are completely unfounded.
I think we have a match
What happened to Marty Feldman's hair???
hey CEO, about your angry men comment April 14, no worries.
take a look at that link, and there is NOTHING on this blog site that infringes on google's boundaries.
What's going on with the execs who are whining, is exactly the effects of satire.
These "picture perfect" - as can be - photos many times are hilarious, and those of us who post are merely communicating about the person. If execs get offended and threaten to sue, it just becomes more obvious just how pathetic and perhaps narcissistic some of them can be.
Those execs who are man or woman enough to take our truthful comments about the person should be applauded.
Those execs with wounded pride and ego - hey, that's the satire.
Again everything I've seen and read on this website blog is all within the bounds of free communication allowed by policy http://www.blogger.com/content.g and to those in the United States by First Amendment in the US Constitution.
If an exec wants to sue, think about telling us who it is, and we can sue for infringing on our First Amendment right. IF THEY TRY TO INTIMITATE US AND INFRINGE ON OUR RIGHT, bring it on. I would consider sueing them as a member of this forum and their fancy corporation.
I made some posts with my real name, and some people know who I am and told the exec. He came after me, but you know what, everything I posted is truthful and if he wants to sue me, go ahead. I will sue him, and told him so for infringing on my rights. You see, these execs are like peacocks, ruffling their fancy feathers to get what THEY want.
Keep up the good work people.
Luv the website - great satire.
I'll choose to be anonymous on this post :)
CEO, further to my comment above, - tell the angry execs to check out this link. You see, this is our form of literary free expression, ideally with the intent of allowing the exec to improve. In essence, our satire is our way to be helpful to them.
Check out Wiki : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire
A short piece below from wiki:
Satire is often strictly defined as a literary genre or form, although in practice it can be found in the graphic and performing arts. In satire, human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are censured by ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, or other methods, ideally with the intent of improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be funny, its purpose is often not so much humour for its own sake as an attack on something strongly disapproved by the satirist, using the weapon of wit.
A common feature of satire is strong irony or sarcasm -- "in satire, irony is militant"[2] -- but parody, burlesque, exaggeration, juxtaposition, comparison, analogy, and double entendre are all frequently used in satirical speech and writing. This "militant" irony or sarcasm often professes to approve (or at least accept as natural) the very things the satirist actually wishes to attack.
How about letting us know which execs are so hot under the colllar. I would like to contact each one personnally and let them know about satire and our form of free expression and that can be very helpful.
Gerald Cumming? Be a good BritSexyExec and clean up after yourself, eh?
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That feeling when Geral is Cumming
That feeling when Geral is Cumming
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