"Whilst trying to work out how many companies The Hut actually masquerade as I came across a photo set of theirs with the management team. Extremely unsexy execs."

"However, they redeemed themselves with this fine lingerie photoset" - Jamie.

This photo of Andy Flint, Head Of Buying, goes up to 3328 x 4992. We have spared you this.
Head of buying what? Obviously not haircare or grooming products - He's just browsing ebay to see what his collection of PWEI t-shirts might be worth now (hint - nothing)
I thought Greebo died out in the mid-to-late nineties, along with Zodiac Mindwarp and The Levellers?
Reckon he's got a few bottles of Newcy brown in his bottom desk drawer too.
On the Flickr site of this shoot there's a woman with a truly spectacular arse. Incredibly though, it's upstaged by one of the biggest cameltoes I've seen. God, imagine the 'grip'...
Both of them seems to young, specially the first one! I think they can share some manager tips. I'll really appreciate if you can add some advices about this people, they looks brilliants minds.
Jabba the Hut?
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