Look, he *is* down with modern technology - he knows how to use a telephone. And that looks like one of those fancy new types of pen where you have to depress a button on the end to make the nib come out.
Spotted on the Swires Research advanced social media portal, by regular cross-network thing-submitter "Phorenzik" whose new job clearly isn't keeping him quite as busy as he claims.
Prison Hardman
We most certainly need more info on how we can "use" Chris.
We actually sell Swires meters so there's a very good chance I'll get to meet Chris someday. At the very least, I might be able to speak to him on the phone. I'll keep everyone posted with this exciting news as/if it develops.
I think Chris should become a mascot on the site banner. He looks like that evil man from Lethal Weapon 2 that had diplomatic immunity.
Go on, swap him for that sprout-faced one second in from the left
Not sure about putting him on the banner. The shape of the shot means he'd have to go on the end - and I can't bear the thought of ditching Charles of Lynn.
I like the way all the shoulders on the banner match up, makes it looks like some kind of executive mountian range. Mount rushmore would've been vastly improved if it had been done that way.
Does his official photo feature him on the phone I wonder?
Chris: Is that Charlotte in the press office? I'm having this bloody photoshoot done, and they've told me I've got to look natural. Natural? Does that mean they want me to strip off?
Charlotte: No sir it means they want you to be relaxed.
Chris: How the Hell can I be natural when I have important managing directorial duties to perfom for the sake of the world's Swire meters? I hate this PR crap, all you people do is write press release and have our photo taken. Wheres the love, the camaradarie, the mutual and non-erotic respect?
Charlotte: D.Cam Findlay said exactly the same thing when he worked here sir.
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We most certainly need more info on how we can "use" Chris.
It IS keeping me busy. I'm off work this week.
We actually sell Swires meters so there's a very good chance I'll get to meet Chris someday. At the very least, I might be able to speak to him on the phone.
I'll keep everyone posted with this exciting news as/if it develops.
I think Chris should become a mascot on the site banner. He looks like that evil man from Lethal Weapon 2 that had diplomatic immunity.
Go on, swap him for that sprout-faced one second in from the left
I do believe he has two phones, I too vote him for banner rights.
They have a marvellous site, best viewed in Mosaic, in 1993.
Not sure about putting him on the banner. The shape of the shot means he'd have to go on the end - and I can't bear the thought of ditching Charles of Lynn.
Make them all a bit smaller and squeeze him in. Go on, you bastard!
I like the way all the shoulders on the banner match up, makes it looks like some kind of executive mountian range. Mount rushmore would've been vastly improved if it had been done that way.
Does his official photo feature him on the phone I wonder?
Chris: Is that Charlotte in the press office? I'm having this bloody photoshoot done, and they've told me I've got to look natural. Natural? Does that mean they want me to strip off?
Charlotte: No sir it means they want you to be relaxed.
Chris: How the Hell can I be natural when I have important managing directorial duties to perfom for the sake of the world's Swire meters? I hate this PR crap, all you people do is write press release and have our photo taken. Wheres the love, the camaradarie, the mutual and non-erotic respect?
Charlotte: D.Cam Findlay said exactly the same thing when he worked here sir.
Chris: Get me a rotary phone, I hate this one.
Poor depressed pen button.
WV: mingne
French villian with long thin 'tache & archy eyebrows.
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