But then he ran out of time to draw a new face for Justin, so had to get the old, screwed-up one out of the bin, unfold it and use it as is, sending poor Justin out into the world with a rejected, screwed-up design for a face.

Or maybe he was involved in a mangle accident as a baby, and the soft bones all reset a bit wrong. More details on Justin J. Junkus can be found here if you want to play Face Detective. Thanks to "Father Viv" for submitting the photo, which he spotted in "last month's Broadband World" should you need a glossy version to frame.
I didn't get where I am today by worrying about my looks, Reggie. Neither Mrs CJ nor I got where we are today by worrying about our looks!
Cigar, Reggie?
We are not the sort of company that uses a man up and spits him out.
Goodbye , Reggie.
That jacket looks lovely and snuggly. Would. Like to nestle in his embrace.
This post defies all credibility. I had to Google to verify that there really is a man who looks like this and that his name really is Justin J. Junkus. Who the hell is called Junkus? And who then names their kid "Justin J"? We shudder to think what the J might stand for... Jell-O? Jermaine? Jesus?
Anyway, kudos to Junkus for not ending up in the vaudeville circuit with that name and face. How did he manage to climb the corporate ladder? After all, phrases like 'You can count on Junkus' or 'Good work, JJJ' don't exactly roll off the tongue.
When he attends cocktail parties with his wife, colleagues are known to snicker behind their back while mumbling "Junkus in the trunkus".
I reckon ole Triple-J doesn't actually look like that, it's just an old photo they digitised with a wonky hand-held scanner rather than a flatbed - those lines on his forehead are actually closer together than that normally but they thought this was an improvement as he looked happier
Kurtwood Smith with a squashed face. I bet the bitches leave when he walks into the room.
So, he "Works for Dick Jones"?
Now that sounds like a euphemism I shall use elsewhere...
3J in da house.
PJ and Duncans Dad
I'd let him put it Justin my Junkus ;-)
Beluga whale, evolved.
I am a personal friend of Jay and have been for years. He is one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet..and smart too. Eaglemom.
Still very embarrassing when this happens.
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