We have now sold out of these. Sorry. There's always 2011.
On a bored whim we got a load of these made up. They're real items. This is not a joke. You can have one if you want one. It is a PRODUCT. And you are the focus group.
Featuring 11 all-new executives and Louis Bachetti as Mr July because he's awesome, it's the Sexy Executives 2010 Wall Calendar.

*Holds head in hands, wondering why*

It's an A4 calendar on glossy paper, with "special" customised business-themed calendar events printed on the days & dates part.

They're very nice. There are three up on the walls of the Sexy Executives HQ right now, all set to different months of 2010. It's confusing, to be honest, but even three wrong calendars will be right once during 2010.

You may want to buy one of these because you are an angry executive considering launching a legal threat against Sexy Executives, and this is proof that we are, in some extremely small way, profiting from using your likeness without permision! That might actually work.
Available now in a limited run of 100. If they sell out we may get more made up, but that's not a promise.

A very fine idea - I look forward to my sexy execs mentoring me through 2010
Can't wait until mine hits the in-tray.
Just the one Sponge Finge? Would've thought you'd ha...no, it's not good I can't say it.
Ah they going to be reduced in the new year? Might get one then as that's when I always buy my calendars y'see, mid January to late february - I think you might be missing out by selling them BEFORE the year starts. You'd do much better selling them cheaper once the year starts than bringing them out now when there's Christmas shopping to be done...
Although, thinking of that, maybe the kids would like one each? Hmmmm. Modern warfare 2 with night-vision goggles or several identical calendars? It's a toughie...
If there are any left by the new year the venture will be considered a failure. There will have to be sweeping redundancies.
Right. One has been bought, so you're down to 97 left. Maybe I should try to put it on expenses. At the very least I should've used a company credit card!
Still. It will look very handsome on my office wall. I am looking to oust the usual fairies/Tate Modern calendar on our wall.
...Surely this is a lawsuit waiting to happen? I'd love to buy one, but only if the featured models are completely unaware of this.
mine arrived today. consider me satisfied
Mine came today, as did I once I'd finally unsheathed it from its envelope and witnessed it in its full glossy naked glory.
I have to admit I'm somewhat concerned about March 31st, what with living in Wales, isn't it?
And August 31st could be quite horrific if the same subclause that's in effect on August 9th isn't adopted...
Also, somewhat disappointed the CEO's birthday's not marked on it, but enough of all this crazy talk - it's ace!
Can't wait until christmas is out of the way and I can hang it up at work and admire it properly, I'm sure to be the envy of the whole department now.
I've already hung mine up at work, with the cover on display.
Since I did so, productivity has gone up four and a half percent and our post-its are sticking properly.
A marvellous tool for the seated professional. 110% out of 100.
Careful. I've had one hanging for a month now, and the front cover has warped a bit. I'd suggest taking it down and putting it under a Yellow Pages every evening before you go home.
Got mine today - received with thanks - had the whole family laughing.
Mine just arrived in Hong Kong - I couldn't resist flicking through the months, until I got to March and couldn't go any further - that Deborah Bateman is quite the hottie.
I feel that I've sullied myself.
Just arrived at the office, complete with poem for the Receptionist (that's dedication). Good to see the word "ask" replaced by the word "make" with redargds to the formal warning. A fine piece of merchandise, I shall hang it on my desk partition with pride.
The person who got the "free gift" of a tea bag taped to the outside of their envelope hasn't mentioned it yet.
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